Wednesday, October 31, 2007

round 7 take 1

Well, once again we are on hold. Marc's white count was too low for treatment again today. The new wonder drug didn't seem to make a difference.

The first time he took the wonder drug, we weren't sure if it was the drug that brought the white count up or if it was the fact that he was a month from his last treatment. Now it seems that it was time alone that took care of the white count.

Needless to say, Marc is discouraged.

This pushes his end date into February. Last I heard we were three days short of having enough shared leave to get us through December. I continue to marvel at the generosity of our coworkers.

The doctors are looking into some alternatives. Marc's mom found something on-line that he talked to them about. They had heard of it and are checking to see if it will interfere with anything he is already taking.

Brett has joined the cell phone age. It was time to renew our contract on our cell phones. Since he turned 16 and will get his license soon, we added him to our plan. Marc and I both have new phones as well and are thrilled with the changes in technology. Our old ones were outdated and horrible. Once again - Rose is ticked off! She actually took this better. She must be getting used to being told her turn is coming.

Steph, Mike and Masen came over Sunday. We had dinner, played in the leaves, and carved pumpkins. It was so fun. (Wow - that's a sentence right out of my second graders writing folders...)

We are blessed with family and friends who continue to support us in a myriad of ways. We don't understand why Marc's counts continue to be low, but as with everything, things will work out.

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