Thursday, October 18, 2007

Round 6 Take 3

Third time is definitely a charm. The new medicine worked wonders. Marc's blood counts were WAY up. He is currently getting his sixth treatment and as of Saturday when the pump comes off, he will be half finished with his chemo. If the new drug continues to work, we will not have the low white count issue. But, if we have learned anything in this process it is that things rarely work the same way for long before changing or something new popping up.

Marc is both happy and bummed that the new medicine worked so well. Now he gets to keep using it. Not only is it an injection which he hates, but the side effect he experiences from it is extreme muscle pain - in his back. He has been moving like an old man. I've encouraged him to take something for the pain. This time it is a good thing he doesn't want to. He can't. He's on blood thinner. They don't want him taking Motrin and especially not Aspirin. So, he just has to tough it out.

We continue to be blessed with friends, like Carol today, who are willing to take Marc down to OHSU so I can continue to teach. I was stressed this morning since the last two times hadn't gone so well and was wondering out loud if I should take Marc's chemo days off and just go with him. My friend/co-teacher asked if I had enough sick leave to do that. I do. It's just that if something dreadful comes up, I want to have sick leave to cover. If I use all my sick leave on routine appointments, then I'll be in a pinch. As it worked out, Marc was able to have treatment and finished about 20 minutes before I arrived to pick him up. Good timing today.

My nose is feeling better. No more nose bleeds so I guess it can be called a success. It hurt way worse and for way longer than expected. I have a greater sympathy for Marc's back pain.

Rose has a swim meet in Hood River this weekend. She's a bit nervous as she hasn't competed since July. She has to do the 100 meter freestyle, breast stroke, and butterfly. They didn't sign her up for back stroke and that's her favorite. I overheard a parent at the pool last night saying his son was signed up for the 100 meter drown. Pretty funny as that's what it looks like when the beginners are doing the butterfly.

Brett is LOVING his new room. Rose was really ticked when we found out that he gets the networks on his TV with no cable or rabbit ears or anything. So far he's been quite responsible about getting enough sleep on school nights and has only watched football in there on the weekend. We are so blessed to have such great kids - teenagers at that. (Rose has been a teenager since about 10.)

With the extra injections that start 24 hours after chemo ends, Marc should be feeling better about Saturday of next week. His next chemo treatment is scheduled for the 31st.

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