Thursday, November 8, 2007

Round 7 take 2

Marc's white count was high enough this week for chemo!!! He has never been this happy to be this sick. His doctors ok'd the herbal supplement and he feels it made a difference for him. However, they also want him to continue taking the injections of what I refer to as the "wonder" drug. That part he was not so thrilled about.

He has also re-figured his time-line and should still be finished by the end of January - if all goes according to the new schedule. He is currently scheduled for his next treatment the day before Thanksgiving. This schedule means he will get treatment on the 19th of Dec. and not until the 2nd of January. That would be great for the holiday festivities.

Rose moves from Novice 1 to Novice 2 next week. The challenge will be good for her. We may also have a carpool worked out for at least one day a week. It's amazing what swimming does for her stress level. She's a different person when she gets out of the pool than when she gets in when she's stressed out and having a bad day.

The guitars are hung up in the living room and look fabulous. Even better they are easy to access when anyone wants to play.

Tomorrow is Friday. There's no school Monday. Marc had his 7th treatment. Things are looking up.

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