Thursday, September 20, 2007

Round 5

There really isn't a great fraction for this treatment. 5/12ths doesn't have the ring to it that 1/4 and 1/3 had. Next treatment though will mark the 1/2 way point!

After a rocky few weeks, things have settled back into more of a routine. Marc gets his blood drawn about once a week for the anti-coag clinic. Now that we are regulars we don't have to call it the Anti-coagulation clinic - we just say anti-coag. Cool, huh?! The last two draws his numbers have been in range and he is simply maintaining his meds and wearing his support stockings.

This round of chemo seems rather routine, yucky, but routine. Marc's wiped out and his brain isn't functioning at its regular capacity. Rose called me for help with math homework - that indicates things aren't normal for sure. Fortunately, we made it through this lesson. He needs to get well for the hard stuff.

Marc is still on the anti-nausea research study drugs, but no longer has to fill out a journal for that study. What a blessing. I was afraid he'd have to go to "standard of care" drugs for the remainder of his chemo, but he still gets the good stuff.

School is also settling into a routine. I take Rose and two friends to school on my way. Three 12 year old girls can be quite entertaining. One morning I was so distracted by their chatter that I drove right by their school. My friend Deb happened to be in the car behind me and called me to see if they were coming to school with us.

The team of teachers I have joined is wonderful. Sandy, John, Lorri, and Laura have all welcomed me with such graciousness. I feel truly blessed to be working with them. They have been working together for several years. Laura gives me practical advise like giving me a quick run down on the silk worms, meal worms, and milk weed bugs that were delivered to go with our science kit this week. Sandy continually surprises and entertains me with her fabulous sense of humor and grounded attitude about second graders and life in general. Lorri keeps us all organized and John has been a true encouragement to the new kid on the block. Come see us at the community open house on October 11th. (The school district web site has all the details.)

Donna and Dick are here for 10 days. It has been like the cavalry arriving. I took 1/2 of a personal day to hang out with her. It was nice to sit and relax for a while. Donna is helping me move and organize the office. We are moving the computer to the loft area and giving this larger bedroom to Brett as part of the benefit of turning 16. Rose was not happy about it at all but her turn is coming sooner than we can imagine.

Brett's birthday is Monday. He and Marc leave for Arizona for a martial arts camp next week. Marc will be an observer. They have been planning to go for 2 years. Marc will have his blood levels checked to make sure it is safe for him to fly. They will be gone about six days. While they are gone, I will take down the wallpaper border and paint so he can move into his new room when he gets back.
He has been taking pictures of himself and photo shopping them with different backgrounds. I have about 5 of them as a screen saver at school. He's quite the talented kid.

Marc received enough shared leave to get through September. He won't have to go onto long-term disability until at least October. The lady at the district office said it trickles in for a bit as people fill out the paper work. We are praying more people take the time to donate. It makes such a difference for us!

Thanks for your continued support and prayers. Love to you all!

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