Thursday, August 23, 2007

Round 3 Take 3

Yippee!!! Marc's numbers were way, way up yesterday and he was able to have treatment number three. The long break gave him time to regain some strength and stamina. However, he is finding today that it is gone with the wind.

Marc and I have disagreed on how his treatments have effected his energy level. He feels it from the inside while I observe the outside. His first treatment was very hard on him. He maintains that the second was easier. That's not what I observed. Last night I came up with a new theory that might work for both of us. Before the first treatment, he was feeling good. It had been six weeks since surgery and he felt better than ever. The chemo treatment slammed him against a wall - so to speak. He had regained some strength and energy, but wasn't feeling normal before the next treatment. By this treatment, he was feeling great again, and again has been slammed by it. The new theory is that he felt the second treatment was easier because the change in how he was feeling wasn't as dramatic. If you are feeling like a "10" and chemo slams you to a "-1," that feels different than if you are only feeling like a 3 or 4 and drop to a -1. Does that make sense to anyone else besides me? Marc thought it might.

Last week Brett went to the beach with some friends and had a wonderful time. Marc and Rose spent several days at his parents' house, and after dropping them off, I spent a couple of days with Donna in Port Townsend. It was wonderful. We shopped, made jewelry, relaxed, walked on the beach, saw the lighthouse, and ate wonderful Thai food. The weather was perfect and I must admit to being a bit of a brat. I just had to call my friend Allen to remind him that THIS is God's country. Poor guy is stuck in LA.

I picked up my keys to my new classroom yesterday. The school is still strewn with boxes, table parts, and many other remnants of the building process. There were several teachers working on unpacking. Already some people are unhappy about the rooms not being identical. In some respects (lack of storage in some rooms), I support their gripes. In others, not so much. Some rooms have fewer windows than others. Yes, it's not equal, but really, in the grand scheme of things, is it the end of the world? I reread the schedule last night that the principals had mailed. We have all day tech training on Friday. Then we have meetings Monday - Wednesday. Wednesday night is open house. Today is going to be a long day. Panic is just below the surface!

Marc's next appointment is September 5th. I am working on a way to send out an automatic email when blogs are posted. In the FAQ section of this blog site, there seems to be an answer to this question. However, with school just around the corner, that will have to wait for a bit.

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