Saturday, August 11, 2007

Round 3 - Take 2

Technically, I guess I missed updating on Friday like I said I would. But since it is only slightly into Saturday, I'm feeling ok about it. Bummer for you guys is that you are all sleeping and if you checked before going to bed, you are still wondering how Marc's appointment went this morning.

The short answer is that he did not have chemo today.

The long answer is that Marc's body's ability to make white blood cells is improving ever so slowly. He went from 0.3 to 0.4. He needs to be at 1.5. However, today we had a far better explanation of the game plan. Dr. B's nurse, Ann, talked with us about the drugs available to help with this process. The shot that was mentioned when we were there on Wednesday has to be given within 24 hours of chemo ending. So, even if he weren't part of the study and could have that drug, the timing isn't right. The drug's job is to make the white blood cells live longer. Marc doesn't seem to have a huge problem with the life-span of his white cells, just in his ability to produce them. So for now he plans to stay in the study.

Dr. B. also has an alternative plan. First, he will reduce the dose of Oxaliplatin. Second he will discontinue the bolus of the fluorouracil (5fu). Dr. B. feels that with these two changes Marc's body will be able to handle the chemo better and be able to keep the white blood cell factories in working condition. Marc was originally a bit concerned about the amount of lectures that Dr. B. gives around the world and the amount of time he spends out of the office. Today was so reassuring to him - Dr. B. is monitoring his case closely even if we don't see him in person. Dr. B. wants Marc to wait until his next regularly scheduled appointment for his next chemo treatment rather than coming in to be checked in between. So, the next treatment is scheduled for the 22nd. As it stands all plans for visiting family and friends will still work out!

Once we came home from OHSU, I had to take the kids to the fair. Rose was in 4-H a few years ago with Jack. She became good friends with one of the other girls her age and they like to go on the rides one day during the fair. Rose has continued this tradition even though she isn't in 4-H any more. I was planning to be there just for the afternoon, but it stretched a bit further. Then Rose stayed even longer to attend a 4-H dance with her friends. It was in the sheep barn. :-) I met Kayla's mom 1/2 way to pick Rose up. Rose's report was that the dance was "lame." There were mostly "little kids" there. She had a good time and came home and crashed. Brett didn't stay at the fair very long and took the bus home. I guess he's outgrown it or just wasn't in the mood today.

All in all it was a busy, but satisfying day.

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